Monday, March 5, 2007


This is the story of Leah and her life through the Seasons.

This blog is dedicated to my sister who wanted to see some of the new features from the Sims 2 Seasons expansion pack.

I love you sis, Hope you like this and Thank you for the gift :) It was fun to play. I can't wait to see you again.

Leah Patterson moved into Riverblossom hills right after college graduation. She was excited about starting her new life out on her own.

The first person she met was Tyson.

They immediately hit it off.

Some of the people in this neighborhood looked a little strange....

Like Ms. Green Giant over there. She might have spent a bit too much time in the garden.

Leah was excited when it began snowing on her very first night in her new home.

The gentle snow drifted and whirled around her.

In the morning the ground was covered with a fresh layer of pure white snow. It was beautiful.

Leah put on her jacket and started to build a snowman.

This is as far as she got.

She was interrupted by the honking of her carpool to work.

She had a new job in the musician career and didn't want to be late for her first day on the job.

That night she went Iceskating with some co-workers.

Unfortunately she wasn't very steady on the ice and ended up with some nasty bruises....

She returned to discover a PENGUIN in front of her house.

He was so cute. She wanted to keep him, but eventually he scuttled off.

The next morning she invited a bunch of her friends from college over to her new home

Tyson dropped by too. She enjoyed playing with him the most. She felt such a connection with him.

She hit him square in the forehead with a snowball and he fell over.

She couldn't stop laughing.

And She couldn't resisit making an angel in the soft wet snow...

"I really feel a connection with you", Tyson said as the party began to clear out

"I feel it to...", Leah said

She leaned in and kissed him. He was taken off guard but it was romantic none the less.

During the rest of the winter, they passed the cold nights together keeping eachother warm in the bedroom.

As the weater grew warmer, Leah decided to test out her green thumb and start a small garden

There was a lot of rain...especially at night. Sometimes the storms would wake her up.

and she would run outside to splash in the puddles of rain

Tyson and Leah loved having Waterballoon fights. They spent all their time together now.

They were falling in love.

Leah also enjoyed fishing in the pond in her backyard.

Her friend, Earl wasn't as good at it. He collapsed in frustration.

One night Leah asked Tyson to move in with her.

He agreed and they shared a long romantic kiss.

That same night there was a lightning storm that set fire to the backyard tree. Leah watched from the bedroom window as the tree went up in flames.

The next morning, Leah was discouraged to discover that her Garden was an overgrown disaster.

So much for her Green Thumb.

All the crops died within in the next few days.

In autumn the leaves piled up and Leah pulled out the rake.

But she couldn't resist playing in the pile of leaves afterwards. Scattering the leaves everywhere.

Tyson loved the fall. Every day when he returned from work as a journalist, he would spread open his arms and take the beautiful weather in.

"fresh crisp air! Vibrant warm colors! What more do you need in life?"

It didn't take long before Leah was pregnant with their first child. They were both so excited.

Little Baby Keith was such a blessing.

And he was adorable too.

The Nanny couldn't get enough of him.

"Look at those EYES!", she cried "He's going to be heartbreaker some day with eyes like that"

Meanwhile Leah was climbing up the career ladder in her musician career.

And her outfits for work were getting more...


As her fame grew.

Leah couldn't be happier.

They finally saved up enough money to move to a bigger home.

Tyson looked out the window in their new kitchen.

"Honey! It's snowing!" He cried out. "Where's little keith? It's his first snow fall!"

Tyson took his son out to play in the snow.

"What do you think?", Tyson asked when they finished their first snowman

Tyson peered down at his son with love. He was getting so big so fast.

Just last winter he met Leah and now they had a beautiful son.

How Times flies...

They continued playing catch.

A little bit too long. Keith nearly froze to death. It's easy to forget that the body can only take so much cold. He started turning blue and was almost taken away by child protective services....(oops!)

Tyson warmed Keith up with a nice fire. He was fine after a few minutes

They had a happy family with so much ahead of them.

Little keith fell asleep in his warm bed to the sound of wind and snow blowing outside.

He was secure and cozy.

Soon he would wake up to a new day and experience new seasons as he grows older.


Anonymous said...

Awesome story! I can't wait to get Seasons now. Thanks for posting this story. Is there going to be more?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great pics of Seasons! Love the story!

Anonymous said...

THanks for the story. It makes me want seasons even more now! I'm so excited that it's out, I've bugged my friends about Maxis creating weather for The Sims 2 since it came out. Hope you add soon to the cool story...

Tamossa said...

LUCKY!!!!! I can't wait to get this! I think from the very first Sims game to ever come out, I have them all and I know more is coming. This Seasons one justcme out too right? Like March 1st? I'm so looking forward to it! Even got some PS2 games of the Sims too. LOL I'm such a Sims Fan! =)

Anonymous said...

I loved that story! Please post more. I wont be getting the Sims Seasons until next week! I hate waiting but so much fun reading about it!!!

L3W1S said...

this story is just as impressive as your life stoires one. i cant wait for more (there will be more right?) also i am jealous of you for 2 reasons. I REALLY WANT A PENGUIN BUT THEY NEVER COME BY!!!!! and also because, well i've had sims for as long as i can remember now and i have NEVER!!!!!!!! (i mean it) had a baby boy when my sim gave birth! i know!! also i want to apologize to tamossa about what i said on the life stories thread.

Tamossa said...

No biggy Lewis. =)

I just came by here to tell ya, I just got Seasons Last night. Just spent all morning loading the Sims 2 back on my computer and OMG it eats up a lot of space!!! I have all the extra stuff too on there and they are all like 500+ MB. WOW! So I'm getting ready to play it for the first time since Open For Business came out. I play till burn out and then never play for awhile... But I always manage to keep my Sim collect going tho. LOL I can't wait for the other life stories to come out!!! Altho I hate the pets thing. I remember how annoying they were on the first Sims. Anyway, so much to do now, I can't wait, so here go!!!...

L3W1S said...

everything seems to be going perfect, which means atragedy must be just around the corner... right? lol also, how do you get the screenshots on here? i have to use the painfully long method of...
take the screenshot
put it in gallery
use Print Screen button
paste on word
put on here

long cycle isnt it :P so how do you do it?

L3W1S said...

I won't go into extensive explanation on here, but i have a bit of a big thing going on in my story lol.
well first Dan got married to Marisa. Obviously i couldn't waste the wedding night magic! She got pregnant right then. so the next day i thought that since she brought a considerable amount of money with her, they should move to a better home, and so they did. 3 days later she gave birth, and i was praying that it would finally be a boy. i got my wish! + another suprise! for the first time ever she gave birth to twins! 1 boy and 1 girl. i already have their stories planned out :D

Anonymous said...

Tamossa here. I'm at a friend's house, so I'm not bothering to sign in. Lewis... CONGRATS!!! I too rush the Sims to have babies. Sometimes I just let try for a baby before they are even married. LOL I started playing my Season's game yesterday and created a char in my own image. She started out poor and then I had to get me some money. Couldn't hold out with all the new cool stuff I loaded up on when I re-installed all the software. It's neat! She has a cool house with a pond and married already too. Has a baby girl. Been fishing and caught catfish and bass and boots. Saw the penguin. It comes everytime I have a snowman and one time it came when I didn't. So funny to watch it talk to it even when it's melty. Had a skunk come in my yard and a wolf. Trying their hand at gardening too. That's pretty much it so far. I tried playing those plantsims, and they are just weird! Catch ya'll later. =)


L3W1S said...

i havent been fishing yet cuz there hasnt been a big enough pool yet.
one thing i didnt mention on my previous post was that i also had a penguin!! :D
i've been counting them : i've had 7 skunks, 8 wlof visits, and one of the wolfs alwasy rolls in my muddy garden then eats the flowers!
i havent tried the plant ppl yet cuz i've been in strangville, not strangeville, i made myo own neighborhood lol :D

L3W1S said...

and strangville is name after a teacher in my school randomly, even tho he isnt my favourite teacher.

... :O i just realised something! now that we have greenhouses, i cna update hogwarts (for all the harry potter fans, i have a hogwarts and the burrow with the weasleys [- bill and charlie] :D)

Tamossa said...

Only thing I forgot to say that I just now remembered from yesterday's post is, I had to fill in a hole some dog dug in my yard and a cat and a dog got into a fight in front of my house too. LOL I've had company all weekend and haven't got to play my Sims again since Friday and I'm dying to play again! I may not get back to my Sims Life Story for a bit, if at all. So much I haven't gotten to try yet with my Sims2.

I taken pics of things in this Seasons game, but I'm wondering... Ihave to host those to make my own story blog... Right? Debating if I even wnt to do it or not. If I do, I'll prolly put in on my MySpace. Also wondering how to get to the pics I've taken, or if I need to use my PSP to capture them like I had been..??

Anonymous said...

Tamossa here. Signing in is being a pain, so I'm skipping it today.

So... I had my char marry, have a baby, just one, the baby is grown, married, had went to college, and one on the way. Living back in the house with Mom and Dad, with Hubby. I figure be easier to hae help raising the baby. They got a dog and I trained it all the things it needed to learn and it has a dog job. LOL And on top of all that, they run a business out of the house selling toys the new Hubby makes and the fish they catch. I might even sell cooked goods and fruits and veggies. Ok, I told you all that, to tell or ask this. OMG it is hard to run a business. You haveto pick a char to do it and you have to be on them making sure they do the job, and you can't focus on the other char(s). I nearly killed the Daughter cause she has one on the way and waiting for me to tell her what to do I guess. Didn't go eat or pee on her own. *sigh* How do you run a business and play a household full of people. They were suppose to be helpful and turns out it's harder. uugggg! It is one busy house! That's not even talking about the things you have to remake after they are sold. I don't have time to influence customers to buy things. It's a mess!

One other question. When you buy realstate. Do you now run that shop? How that work? I started to do it and then changed my mind.


Anonymous said...

Awesome thing, I cannot wait till the next blog!

Anonymous said...

Nice stroy. the pics were nice 2

L3W1S said...

clarity how do you post pictures on here? because i want to post some on my blog but i don't know how.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me where i can read more stories like these? i really love to read about peoples "adventures" so just let me know thanx bye